Sugar in Cereals

In November 2016, a report came out showing the amount of sugar in some of our favourite pack cereals.  These are the ones at the top of that list (plus Cornflakes), shown in the SmallerKnickers way.

By understanding what nutrients are available in your breakfast,  you can chose to eat as part of your healthy eating plans.



The Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) is sourced from NHS UK and Mydailyintake.  NHS: For a balanced diet a man needs about 2,500 and a woman about 2,000 calories per day. Values can vary depending on age, metabolism & levels of activity amongst other things.

It is also recommended that adults have no more than 30g of “added sugar” (a third of the Carbohydrate Sugars category) per day.

Source:  The Mirror and WASH (World Action on Salt and Health)